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  My Yoga Journey
October 2020


Here I share a little about my own health and healing journey and introduce you to an inspiring person.
What is it that brings people to the Yoga mat? Perhaps it is to stay in shape physically, which ultimately, with consistent practice Yoga does do. But I am noticing the longer I teach and continue to learn about yoga,  more and more people are turning to Yoga to help them through pain and suffering. They may have been experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression or are suffering with sickness or physical  pain. What this shows me is that people are coming to Yoga for much more than just improving their physical form...People are choosing Yoga to help themselves HEAL.

Yoga for me personally goes much much deeper than exercise. Although I was one of those people that was was drawn to Yoga for physical exercise initially, it didn't take me long to realize that there was something very special about this practice. It was not only helping me get back in shape after having my children, it was helping me feel less stressed, less anxious, relieving my body pain and giving me more energy. It was helping me to reconnect with myself and my needs, allowing me to become stronger not only physically, but also inwardly on mental and spiritual levels. It was steering me back on to the right path.


You see like a lot of people that turn to yoga at times of need, I was very stressed, my lifestyle was not great and my health was suffering. Outwardly, to friends and family I may have seemed like I was going OK, but inwardly I was a struggling. I was living in a very stressful situation while pretending to the world (and myself) that everything was OK. Suppressing my stress and comfort eating, it didn't take long before my body started to reflect my poor lifestyle and the stress and anxiety of my situation.

I developed a Pancreatic cyst that was causing me to have digestion issues, feel stomach/back pain after I ate, nausea and generally not feeling well at all. The cyst was tested and thankfully it was benign, but as it was growing at a fairly steady speed with a likelihood that it was pre-cancerous, the Doctors wanted to operate and remove the cyst along with half my pancreas, and probably my spleen...


This was not going to be a simple keyhole surgery, this was a big operation that was going to take months to recover from and most likely would leave me with more pain and problems than the cyst was currently causing me. With two very young children and no family support nearby, this was going to be a huge challenge. So I made the decision to take my health into my own hands. As the cyst was not too large yet, I had time. And after gaining a second opinion the doctors agreed I could monitor the cyst with regular scans and see what happens.


At this stage the only thing that made me feel better (besides not eating which wasn't the best for my body!) was YOGA. I knew I had to learn more about it so I could practice it everyday. I could see there was more to Yoga than just the physical practice of Asana's (poses) and I wanted to know what it was all about. I began to recognize and accept that I was neglecting my own needs when trying to look after everyone else's and that my stress and poor eating habits were the likely cause of this health issue.


My first step was to research foods and drinks that I needed to avoid in order to heal my pancreas and within 6weeks of making big changes to my diet, I was already having a reduction in symptoms.

I continued on with Yoga classes and as time went on it seemed the more I practiced Yoga, the more the universe was guiding me and bringing me what I needed.. I was then introduced to meditation and began to meditate twice a day, EVERY DAY. This was a big game changer for me and within a couple of weeks I was already noticing benefits to my mental and emotional health.

As time went on I was feeling more myself again and I knew I had to explore Yoga and Meditation on a deeper level, this was when I found the Radiant Light Yoga Teacher Training Course. Enrolling on this course was the best decision I ever made. It taught me so much not only about Yoga and Meditation, but about the mind and soul and brought me back to my true self. It helped me to be more resilient to the challenges I was living with. It helped me to HEAL.


During the 12month Teacher training journey I embodied the yogic lifestyle as best as I could practicing yoga and meditation everyday and eating a mostly Ayurvedic diet. I also had help from a Naturopath friend who put me on the right herbs and supplements and proteins for my body to receive all the help it could to heal naturally.  The changes were not easy and I had to dig deep into myself to be so disciplined. I lost a lot of weight and friends became concerned, but I knew I was feeling better and that was what mattered. You see I was shedding years worth of toxic build up in the body. I trusted that I would soon gain weight again. Upon graduating the course I was feeling a lot better with my pancreas flare ups much less frequent. So I continued with what I had learnt and slowly the Yoga and healthy proteins and fats began to rebuild my muscles so I felt stronger and healthier in my body. I was managing my stress and anxiety much better and for the first time in a long time I was feeling happy and peaceful on the inside.


I then went for my yearly scan to check on the cyst and I was over the moon to discover not only had it stopped growing, it had reduced from 3cm to 1cm in size!! This was the confirmation I needed to not only FEEL I was on the right path - but KNOW. This to me was a miracle and I wanted to get better at teaching so I could share my learning's to help others. There was no going back for me now...I  repeated the RLY Teaching Training course a second time so I could stay on track and deepen my understanding and experience of yoga.

This time the course not only taught me to cope with my life, but gave me the courage and strength to change it.  But I was scared and still needed help, this was when I was introduced to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique - otherwise known as Tapping). This unique form of energy work combined with a psychology, removed my emotional and mental blocks so I could remove myself from the stressful environment I was still living in and follow my heart. This was a very hard, but definitely worthwhile decision that has allowed me to have peace in my heart and all the energy I need to help others to heal.

Of course,  it soon became apparent that after changing my outer world to suit my new inner world, that there was some lingering trauma and stress from the past that I was holding on to within my mind and body. I had a yearning to learn Reiki healing for some time, the universe provided yet again and presented me with the opportunity to train in Level I + II Reiki Healing. This powerful energy work was just what I needed to heal residual emotional stress, trauma and energetic blockages and continues to balance me on all levels.


I then found myself taking on the RLY Teacher Training course for the third time!! This time not only did it deepen my understanding of Yoga even more, it provided me with the opportunity to help and mentor another student. Those of you that come to my classes will know the familiar face of Jason. He is yet another example of how pain and suffering can lead us to the yoga mat.


Since joining me on the yoga path and RLY Teacher Training, Jason has also experienced improved health and well being while living with PNETS cancer that has been termed terminal. After surviving major abdominal surgery from his first diagnoses of Pancreatic Cancer over 15 years ago, he has now smashed past the 2years that the doctors gave him to live from his secondary diagnosis in his liver and is enjoying living a simple life following his passions . That's right I said enjoying. Because this inspiring man has learnt to not only cope with the pain from his illness, but also how to enjoy life with it.  Some days are easier than others, but through his inner work Jason has found peace and even gratitude for his terminal condition and his impending early departure.


The chronic pain from his initial surgery and cancer, led Jason into an addiction and recovery from prescriptive medication and is now the driving force behind his desire to help others not go down the same path. By sharing his story and experiences with cancer and pain, joined with his Reiki and now Yoga qualification, Jason offers support and guidance for others that are living with cancer, chronic pain, recovering from surgery or experiencing other similar health problems.


Western medicine can be cold, intrusive, symptomatic and often treating symptoms of the dis-ease within your body, rather than looking at root causes.  We have found combining eastern medicine and healing such as Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation and Reiki along with EFT can truly support and compliment your Western treatments.


If you or a loved one are suffering with cancer, sickness, a terminal illness, stress, mental health issues, emotional or physical pain, please know you are not alone and we are here to help you and support you. Reach out for just a phone chat, or visit for one on one support. Come to Tewantin or for those unable to get out easily home visits are available. 




For a short talk and a Guided Meditation for Pain Management.....

Do you suffer with pain? This video talks about our relationship with pain and guides us in to a meditation that may help you relax, connect and tune into your body, so you may improve your experience and your anxiety around your pain.
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