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The Power of Reiki
November 2020
Here I share about my thoughts on energy and my journey into Reiki.


Since I was a child, I always felt there must be more than just physical matter. I felt that just because we couldn't see, touch or smell something, didn't mean it couldn't exist. I would often day dream about what was beyond this world we know as Earth and I knew there had to be more to our existence than just the physical form. Surely we weren't just a body and that's it?! Surely there was some kind of essence to us?


I was often teased for being "off with the fairies" as I gazed out of the window pondering what it was that brought life to this planet, what makes our heart beat and what happens when we die..? At this age I was quite happy to take in information given to me by adults and school, yet privately I would form my own opinions and imaginings.


Looking back I was already quite sensitive to energy, but not really aware of it. I would often pick up on good or bad "vibes" of places or people and not be able to explain why I had these feelings. I was particularly sensitive to negative energy from people and would feel very uncomfortable feelings within my own body when around people that were angry, upset or depressed. Because of this I would feel strongly compelled to help them feel better.


As I grew up, like most, I got caught up in the world, focusing on my career, travel, friends and relationships and didn't think too much about the deeper, spiritual side of life. As I became more influenced and open to other peoples opinions, I would often question my own feelings and beliefs, yet I still excepted that I simply didn't know the answers and was quite happy to enjoy the pleasures in life and see it all as a big mystery.


During the many years I spent massaging people, I was often told that I had "healing hands" and that I should train in Reiki. But I didn't really understand what it was or how it worked and didn't particularly feel drawn to it in my younger years. I was more focused on working my way up the career ladder into Spa Management roles in the Hotel/Resort sector that I worked in.


Then after having children life started to get tough. Due to circumstances beyond my control, my home life got really stressful and I got really anxious and suddenly life wasn't much fun anymore. You know, the kind of times where you wake up in fear thinking "OH NO... How am I going to make it through the day..?" We have all been there at some point in our lives for different reasons and its surviving these kind of times that makes us stronger and more resilient people.

It was during this time when I started to yearn for help. I saw no way out of my situation. With all my family and friends in England there was no asking them for help. So I started to ask the universe for help. I started to pray. I had never really prayed before and had no idea who I was even praying to, but it provided comfort and was a great outlet for my frustration and anger. Amazingly, it was around this time that things started to (slowly) get better. What I needed in order to HELP MYSELF started to come to me and I turned my focus to LISTENING AND NURTURING my inner self rather than trying to (unsuccessfully) CONTROL my outer environment. That was when I was led on to the path of Yoga and Meditation and if you have read my first blog then you know the story!! (See my previous blog, if you want to read about my Journey into Yoga.)


As I progressed on my Yoga path I become more aware of my own energy and the 'Reiki seed' that had been planted many years ago began to sprout and I knew it was time to step into this field of healing work, not only to to enhance my work, but also to help heal myself. I have studied Reiki over the last 3-4years and have now completed my Reiki Master training. I have learnt SO much about my self and most importantly ENERGY. I have learnt that my feelings as a child were real. We are ENERGY beings living in a BODY, being supported and guided by the energy of the UNIVERSE. When I studied Yoga and then REIKI it became clear that all cultures have scriptures that describe this in different ways.


Prana, Lifeforce, Ki, Chi, Light, Spirit, Love, God, Mother Nature, Force, Source - however you term it, is all the same thing - IT IS ALL ENERGY and it is around us and within us and everything all the time. Whether we know it or not we are ALL sensitive to energy and there are some of us that are not only sensitive to it, but can actually be trained to USE it to help ourselves and others. My Yoga practices and Reiki training have allowed me to tune in and have a direct experience with this universal energy which has and continues to be the most amazing healing experience.


REIKI is the art of being able to CONNECT and CHANNEL the universal energy for the benefit of HEALING. However the Reiki itself does not fix or heal. Reiki energy simply brings the body and mind into deep state of rest, so that it accelerates the persons ability to naturally heal and balance themselves physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally. It empowers the receiver to take their next appropriate step for their own growth and healing. It addresses energetic imbalances within the body and activates the natural repair mechanisms for the person to heal themselves.


Energetically, Reiki works on clearing and balancing the the energy centers (Chakras), the energy Pathways (Meridians) and the energetic field (Aura), and leads us back into a state of wholeness and self love. Recipients often report feeling "themselves" again, with more clarity in the mind, more energy and motivation to move forward with their goals, especially those orientated around self help and personal improvement. Reiki always works for good and will be sensitive to the individuals needs and receptivity. Physically speaking Reiki can be used to relieve headaches and other forms of physical pain, and mentally to relieve stress, confusion and anxiety. The intelligence of the energy will work specifically on the persons needs at that time.


On a spiritual level there are times when Reiki is not used for assisting the healing of a disease or illness, instead the intelligent life force will understand that it is for the highest good to assist the Soul to pass over into peace. Reiki is well known to work beautifully for peaceful passing's and can be a great source of comfort for the receiver at the end of their life.


The desire to help people feel better is still a deep driving force within me, it motivates my work which brings me so much joy. I love the positive feedback (a few testimonials below) from Reiki and as a practitioner it is a true pleasure to do. As I feel the energy coursing through my own body, often so does the person receiving, my mind clears and I may receive intuitive messages from this divine source of light that seems to match up with what the person needs to hear in order for them to move forward. Every receiver has their own unique experience, some report feeling strong heat or coolness, the body can often jolt as energy blocks are released from the body and as the consciousness enters into a deep state of rest some report "an out of body experience". I find my Massage therapies are also enhanced when finishing the treatment with Reiki as the body can then soak up the benefits of both the physical and energetic healing effects of the treatment.


Reiki can be used on children when they need help sleeping or have hurt themselves, sick pets and even plants! I use the Reiki light on myself daily during my meditations to cleanse and clear my own energy and serve as a protection from negative energies that I may come in contact with. I also receive regular Reiki treatments myself which have truly been an integral part of healing my emotional wounds from the past and keeping myself balanced so I can continue to help others.


In Japan, (the origin of Reiki as a healing modality) multiple Reiki practitioners will work together on hospital patients with cancer and other illnesses to promote faster healing times. Today, Reiki is not only used in Japanese hospitals but is being used in hospitals world wide! If you would like to learn more about the use of Reiki in hospitals, there is a great article here: Reiki Reaching Top Hospitals.


I offer 60 or 90min Reiki sessions, as well as "Tandem" Reiki where Jason Wright (a qualified level II Reiki practitioner) and myself work simultaneously together doubling the Reiki energy and magnifying the experience. Home or hospital visits are also available for people that are unable to get out, as well as "Pet" Reiki for domestic animals. Did you know Reiki can also travel through the Ether and be carried out remotely?! Yes I have been so impressed at how Reiki can travel through time and space to help people who cannot see me in person. I have had great results with people living in Victoria, New Zealand and even as far as the UK! Improved sleep and a calmer nervous system have been reported by many.


If you would like to experience a Reiki session for yourself, head over to my Massage and Healing page for prices and packages: Massage & Healing Page


If you have a yearning to train in Reiki yourself please get in touch as I am now offering Reiki level I and II courses for those that would like to learn how to heal themselves and others. Scheduled and private course available.

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