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About Jason Continued...


His journey has not been easy however...The chronic pain from his initial surgery and cancer, combined with the lack of emotional and spiritual support from the medical system, led Jason into an addiction of prescriptive medication. However his recovery from this is now the driving force behind his desire to help others not go down the same path. By sharing his story and experiences of cancer and pain, joined with his Reiki and Yoga qualifications, Jason volunteers his time at Suncoast Healing & Yoga offering support and guidance to others that are living with cancer, chronic pain, recovering from surgery or experiencing other similar health problems.


Western medicine can be cold, intrusive, symptomatic and often treating symptoms of the dis-ease within your body, rather than looking at root causes.  Jason has found combining eastern medicine with healing modalities can truly support and compliment your Western treatments.


The guitar has been a passion and talent of Jason's since he was a boy and he feels blessed that his cancer has given him the time to truly embark on the process of delving deep into his instrument. You will have the joy of listening to his sweet relaxing tunes at some of our classes, special events and group meditations, as well as receiving the adjustment or two from his healing hands.


Jason also has a way with animals and has found 'Pet Reiki' to be one of his specialties. Dogs especially seem to respond well to his energy work, as he receives intuitive messages regarding the animals emotional well-being. Jase also loves to assists Jen with her Reiki courses and tandem healing sessions for those needing that extra boost of energy and love, and enjoys connecting and sharing his wisdom with our community. To contact Jason for support or information you may reach him on 0408 406 093 or email:



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